
Purple Tiger

You are Purple Tiger
whose comments tend to be imposing, and you possess vigor and your presence is strong.
Your gentleman like atmosphere makes others feel you are rather cold person.
But that is because they only see your sensitive side.

Really, you are warm and honest and considerate person. [hahaha, bener banget tuh.. :P]

You are optimistic, and you will not to give up any little work that you have started, even if the circumstance become unfavorable and difficult. [beuhh.. tepat sekali]

You possess great persistence.

You possess a wonderful quality of a good leader.

You can show flexible mind towards new things and ideas.
Because you are quick minded, you can develop logical theory while listening to the other person. [jadi malu. hihihihi]

You have a tendency to follow your ideals.
If this side of your personality comes out strongly, your thoughts and actions seems too over reacting to others. [lebay bahasa sininya]

If you talk too big, people around you may find it difficult to follow your way.

You are a proud person, and think high of honor.

You cannot change your mind suddenly and according to circumstances.

Nevertheless, it means that you are keeping control of yourself, and helps you from failures. [semoga.. aamiiinnn]

wanna check out yours?? click here


Anonymous said...

your thoughts and actions seems too over reacting to others. [lebay bahasa sininya]
-> elo bgt siiih feb lebbbbhhhuuuaaaayyyyyyy, huahahahaa...

ardi said...

-> apaan tuh de?
